Think squats are the only way to your butt? Here are exercises that are easier and more effective when it comes to strengthening your glutes.
For A Pret Butt
lie down on your back with your knees bent, your feet flat on the floor and arms down by your sides. Lift your spine starting from your tailbone to bring your weight onto the shoulder blades. You should feel the back of your legs and glutes working and from a long, straight line from your shoulders to knees.
Ensure you’re placing equal weight on both feet and shoulder blades. Return to the original position slowly and in a controlled fashion to complete one rep. This one rep. Start with 10 reps in one go.
For Toned Things
The rainbow tones and tightens your butt, inner thighs and legs
To do this, use a floor mat and get down on all fours. Your knees should be hip width apart and your hands in line with your shoulders. Engage your core, and extend raise your left with leg with your left leg with your toe pointed out. Now, without bending your knee, tap the floor with your foot.

Raise it back again and this time, slant your leg so that you can tap the floor near your right foot. Draw an imaginary rainbow with your leg in this sweeping motion. Return to the starting position to complete on rep. Do 10 reps for each leg to feel the burn.
For Sculpted Hips
If you want to add roundness to your hips, try the single leg dead lift. Begin by standing straight and bending your right knee and lifting your leg until the thigh is perpendicular to your torso.
Now bend forward to touch the floor with your hands. And as you do this, extend the same leg out behind you hold this for five seconds and return to the starting position. This is one rep. Do 10 reps on each leg to complete a cycle.