Angelina Jolie might star in a Marvel movie

Angelina Jolie might star in a Marvel movie

Angelina Jolie may be joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. According to the Maleficient actress is in talks to star in the upcoming

Marvel Studios film The Eternals, about the endless lives of beings who were part of a genetic experiment that also created life on Earth, reports .

Zhao, the award-winning indie director behind the critical hits The Rider and Songs My Brothers Taught Me, will helm the movie.

While this will be Jolie’s first superhero movie, it is not her first comic book movie — she starred in the 2007 adaptation of Mark Millar’s Wanted.

The actress is in talks to star in the upcoming Marvel Studios film The Eternals, about the endless lives of beings who were part of a genetic experiment that also created life on Earth

Emerging plant-protein trend in India

Emerging plant-protein trend in India

In one way, India is not new to the idea of plant-protein at all. Across the country, we eat what is commonly known as ‘dal chawal’ or lentils with rice. Lentils can extend to beans or even peas – together known as legumes.

Rice or wheat or millet or any other grain is an excellent complement to legumes in that it functions as a complete protein providing all essential amino acids.

So this simple combination, which can be had on any corner of the country, is the real nutritious and democratic food of India. It is also entirely plant-based if it is cooked with any of our indigenous oils such as mustard, sesame, or coconut.

However, while we all love our simple homemade food, increasingly, we want variety and we expect more of a surprise from our food. That is where Greenr has been innovating over the last four years with plant proteins.

We had been observing a global movement towards plant-based living/eating for the last two decades. This has only picked up more momentum with vegan and vegetarian food increasingly going mainstream in much of the Western developed world.

Closer to home, we are already the largest vegetarian country on the planet. However, as they say, familiarity breeds contempt. We have learned to almost despise vegetarian food, especially when ‘eating out’.

This is what we are attempting to change – we are making vegetarian sexy again! The buzz is also helping with celebrities like Virat Kohli, Aamir Khan, Kangna Ranaut, Jacqueline Fernandez having gone or been vegan for some time now.

In the western world, especially North America and Europe, when someone decides to go vegan or vegetarian, they still can have cravings for meat. Even non-vegetarians would like to eat more plant-based, but are unable to forego the pleasure that they derive from their carnivorous preferences!

Hence, much of the food innovation in the West has focused around making plant-based protein that mimics the taste, texture, and consistency of chicken, pork, or beef.

The latest food technology in this area uses highly complex methods to mimic or recreate a plant version of the meat or what is now increasingly also being referred to as plant meat.

Here in Asia, driven by the Buddhist influence in places like Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong, among others, we have known of mock meat for several decades. This simpler mock meat, as opposed to the more complex western plant meat, is made primarily of either gluten or soya.

Choosing the right etiquette for your child

Choosing the right etiquette for your child

So often when we surf the internet, we come across write-ups that highlights the right etiquettes your child should learn while growing. However, like everything else to inculcate the right set of etiquettes, one should understand that is a kind of virtue which cannot be dictated or imposed upon. It is a certain set of values that the child must perceive while growing up and a positive social environment which include home, as well.

Children usually pick up what they observe at the early ages. Therefore, it is vitally important for the parents to behave in a manner they would want their child to behave. You can call this process, organic osmosis.


Parents set a very strong influence on the children and they are the best educators. Now let us delve into what are the most common things that your child is likely to observe and pick it up.

The magic word – Please

In India it is commonly observed that children grow up with a sense of entitlement. Parents in an attempt to provide the best of the things, pamper them way too much. A common example of this would be the employment of a domestic help.

Parents very rarely allow children to do things on their own and let them rely on their domestic help for the smallest of work, which might even include getting a glass of water for themselves.

Parents does this with a positive mind-set however, children see it as an ‘entitlement’ and take these luxuries for granted. If the parents use the word ‘please’ with the domestic help, it gets ingrained in the mind of the child that he has to use the word – please and there is no entitlement involved.

He will naturally develop that habit and it becomes a part of his daily lingo. It is a small and a powerful word at the same time, which conveys sensitivity and a fair and equal treatment for all.

Express gratitude

A natural corollary to the word ‘please’ is he phrase, Thank You. It is not so commonly used but can enhance the child’s overall sensitivity. While most people think that the use of the word ‘thank you’ is formal and is not required, I choose to disagree with the same. As mentioned earlier, the sense of entitlement can be curtailed to a large extend by being courteous for the help and services rendered to us.

Always bear in mind that your child is observing you. Therefore, using the word ‘thank you’ develops a sense of gratitude. It will further make your child realise how fortunate they are to have these people around, doing the smallest act of kindness towards your child.

Difference of opinion

There are occasions when we might not share the same thought process with others and this is not different amongst children. There will come different occasions when your kids opinion will differ. It is highly recommended that instead of behaving in a rude manner, be calm and civilised. If a child observes at home that during a conflict at home, you lose your calm; chances are that they might pick up the same.

If the child observes that in these situations, elders are using expressions like ‘I beg to differ’ or “I’d like to share my point of view’, rather than witnessing an unsavoury argument, the child will imbibe the same. Ensure that your child grows up to be a cordial, affable and considerate individual.

Eat right

While it might be too early to expect formal-dinning etiquettes from your child, it is certainly never too soon to try and inculcate a sense of respect for the food. Simple things such as not wasting food, not throwing food, are part of a child’s etiquette that should be encouraged so that the child grows into an adult who understands the value of a meal, and an awareness and sensitivity towards countless people who are deprived of this most basic human need.

This last etiquette aspect is perhaps the most important. It is also more skin-deep than a mere outward manner. That every child must understand the concept of equal and fair treatment towards all. Especially in the world we inhabit today, society is rife with gender bias, ill-treatment of animals, environmental degradation. I

n this scenario, we should try and set examples for our children that will make them aware, sensitive individuals who have a genuine and healthy respect for all genders, species and the planet.

Reduce asthma symptoms with Omega-3

Reduce asthma symptoms with Omega-3

A new study has found that consuming a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids is linked to fewer childhood asthma symptoms which are triggered by indoor air pollution.

The study published in ‘American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine’, lays out that families and health care providers may be able to protect children from harmful effects of indoor air pollution by serving a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids while reducing foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids such as soyabean oil and corn oil.

“Our group is working on ways to reduce the levels of indoor air pollution in Baltimore City homes,” said lead author of the study, Emily Brigham. “Results are promising, but we don’t want to stop there,” Brigham added.

The study found that for each additional gram of omega-6 intake, children had 29 per cent higher odds of being in a more severe asthma category. Conversely, with each 0.1-gram increase in levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, researchers saw 3 to 4 per cent lower odds of daytime asthma symptoms.

Indoor air pollution, from sources including cooking, cleaning activities and cigarette smoke, is a known trigger for asthma symptoms.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found abundantly in fish and certain nuts and seeds, are considered healthy as they are known to reduce inflammation. Omega-6 fatty acids, primarily found in vegetable oils (including corn, soybean, safflower, and sunflower), as came out in other studies, have mixed effects on health, but have the potential to promote inflammation.

The researchers, however, noted that it doesn’t prove the relationship between fatty acids and asthma severity.

“Among populations known to be disproportionately affected by asthma, we may find that improving diet and air pollution together has the greatest impact on health,” said Brigham.

Donald Trump threatens to shut US-Mexico border, again

Donald Trump threatens to shut US-Mexico border, again

President Donald Trump on Thursday again threatened to seal the US-Mexican border, claiming in a tweet that America’s southern neighbour is allowing illegal immigrants to cross unhindered.

“May close the Southern Border!” the president wrote.

“Mexico is doing NOTHING to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants to our Country. They are all talk and no action,” he said.

“Likewise, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador have taken our money for years, and do Nothing. The Dems don’t care, such BAD laws.”

The new threat to shut one of the world’s busiest borders, separating two countries with massive economic and cultural links, shows Trump is doubling down on his bid to make immigration a keystone of the gathering 2020 reelection campaign.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador rejected Trump’s criticism, telling journalists: “We are doing something on this issue.”

“We are going to help in every way we can. We don’t in any way want a confrontation with the United States,” he said.

But Lopez Obrador said a solution would depend on “fundamentally addressing the causes of migration.”

Trump will likely highlight the issue when he hosts a campaign rally in Michigan later Thursday.

On Wednesday, he referred to the need for more border walls to stop “people pouring in.”

“Other countries stand there with machine-guns ready to fire. We can’t do that,” he told Fox News. “We are building massive, many, many miles of walls right now, and we are gearing up to do many more.”


The US border protection agency commissioner, Kevin McAleenan, said Wednesday that the southwestern frontier faces “an unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis.”

The worst spot, he said, is around El Paso, Texas, where agents have nowhere to put the large numbers of illegal border crossers they detain.

Nationwide, the border agency took in more than 12,000 migrants this week, it said, while just half that number would be considered already reaching “crisis level.”

With the agency on track to detain more than 100,000 people in March, “it would be the highest monthly total in a decade,” the agency said.

Overall, attempts to get across the border into the United States illegally are down substantially from a decade or more ago.

However, the last year has seen a surge and the general makeup of the arrivals has changed from single men to families and often small children — greatly complicating the task of authorities in providing basic services to detained migrants while their cases are decided.

Migrants are also appearing in greater numbers from Central America, rather than just Mexico, sometimes travelling in large groups dubbed caravans.

One is currently forming in Honduras, according to Mexico’s interior minister, Olga Sanchez Cordero. She said it could be “the ‘mother of all caravans’ and they think it might have more than 20,000 people.”

However, Honduran deputy foreign minister Nelly Jerez said there was “no indication” of such a group gathering. “We don’t have anything about that.”

Wall fight

The last time Trump threatened to close the Mexican border was in December, when a row over his demand for billions of dollars in wall funding was at its peak.

Democrats in Congress turned down the funding, arguing that Trump was exaggerating problems on the border for political gain. In retaliation, Trump refused to sign wider spending bills, leading to much of the federal government having to shut down for five weeks.

Trump finally declared a national emergency so that he could bypass Congress and unlock the money — a move drawing condemnation even from many of Trump’s Republicans.