Hair loss can be caused due to stress, poor diet and hereditary or hormonal disorder. There could be certain illnesses that also lead to hair fall resulting in constant and chronic hair loss. Losing few strands of hair daily is normal, but when this becomes excessive it is known as hair loss which needs to be treated so that you do not lose your precious locks. The most common cause of baldness, in both men and women, is hereditary hair loss. While a few leave hair loss to take its course and leave it untreated and unhidden, others choose various hairstyles that give an illusion of fuller and voluminous hair.
However, most of the people these days who are conscious about how they look do tend to reach out to hair clinics and salons that offer hair regrowth and hair loss prevention treatments, which can actually be quite heavy on your pocket. These hair loss treatments, although effective, might make you spend a lot. Nevertheless, you can actually try one of the most easily available ingredients that can help you reverse and cure hair loss. Read on to know more about this magical ingredient.
Symptoms Of Hair Loss
Depending on what’s causing the hair loss, the pattern of hair loss could vary. The following are the most common symptoms and signs of hair loss:
• Hair thinning on top of the head: This is the most common type that affects both men and women. In men, hair begins to recede from the forehead whereas in women, the hairline is retained but there is broadening in this part of the hair.
• Patches of bald spots: Scalp loses hair in patches. This part of the scalp could also get itchy and painful.
• Loosening of hair: Any form of shock could make hair to loosen. Handfuls of hair may begin to fall off. This causes overall thinning of hair.
• Patches of scaling all over the scalp: A sign of ringworm, this may be accompanied by swelling and at times oozing.
• Hair loss all over the body: Some medical conditions or treatments could result in hair loss, for instance, chemotherapy (used for cancer treatment). The lost hair usually grows back.
Causes Of Hair Loss
Hair loss happens when the cycle of hair growth and shedding gets disrupted or in some cases when the hair follicle is destroyed. Some of the most common causes are:
• Family history: Hereditary hair loss gradually occurs with ageing.
• Hormonal changes: A medical condition could cause hair loss, for instance, alopecia.
• Medicines: Certain medications could affect the hair follicles and make your hair fall off. This is usually a side effect of certain drugs.
• Radiation therapy: In such cases, the hair may not grow back to how it originally was.
• Stressful event: A form of shock can make you lose hair temporarily.
• Certain hair treatments: Excessive use of styling tools can make your hair lose strength and fall off.
Combating Hair Loss Using Home Remedies
One of the most essential ingredients that we all have in our kitchen and that every dish seems incomplete without is turmeric. This wonder herb can be used to treat hair loss. Turmeric has been found to reduce hair fall and also reverse conditions of hair loss. However, it is not in the form of topical application but in the form of consumption through a turmeric rich diet.
Can Turmeric Help In Preventing Hair Loss?
Turmeric when applied to the scalp can be helpful in getting rid of bacteria and fungus but when it comes to treating hair loss, consuming turmeric can be quiet beneficial. Turmeric is not just good for the skin but also an extremely important herb that can keep hair problems at bay. Consuming turmeric orally is the best way to utilize its benefits. Ingesting turmeric every day can cure hair fall problems.
Using Turmeric The Best Way
The right dosage of turmeric to acquire its benefits is to ingest at least a quarter teaspoon of ground turmeric. Ensure that you do not exceed more than half a teaspoon. Turmeric in excess amount would increase the concentration of oxalates in your body that can be dangerous, particularly for people who face issues such as kidney stones. So, each time you prepare a meal, remember to sprinkle a bit of turmeric that would not just enhance the taste of the dish but also give you ample hair and skin benefits. Adding black pepper to your dish would allow better turmeric absorption.
Benefits Of Turmeric For Hair
Turmeric is best known for its beneficial effects in treating a form of an ailment known as cicatricial alopecia. In this, hair follicles are damaged and the growth of new hair is prevented. Turmeric contains an active ingredient known as curcumin which is highly effective in curing various hair loss ailments. This is due to turmeric’s antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antioxidant, antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
Hair experts and certified trichologists say that turmeric can prevent hair loss caused due to dandruff and certain scalp infections. The first sign of some form of scalp disorder is itching. If you ignore the scalp itching, then hair would begin to shed and eventually hair begins to thin.
Essential Tips To Remember While Dealing With Hair Loss
Hair loss can be depressing but following the below-mentioned tips can take you a long way in preventing and treating hair loss.
• Do not use anti-dandruff shampoos too often as this can damage the hair roots.
• Keep a gap of at least 2 to 3 months before you recolour your hair.
• Do not get multiple hair treatments at the same time.
• Do not comb wet hair too rigorously.
• Avoid hair styling gels.
• Do not tie long hair up into a bun too often.
• Avoid tumble drying your hair.