After a workout or when your muscles are nicely warmed up, hold each of these for 30 seconds, to elongate muscles and increase mobility
Gently tilt head to one side (bringing ear close to shoulder of that side) with fingers of opposite hand. Hold; repeat on other side. Then repeat stretch, now titling head slightly forward too while tilting it sideways.
Roll shoulders back and down. Stretch out both arms at chest level, palms facing up. Stack left elbow under the right one. Now move the left palm towards the left ear, pulling the right arm closer to chest. You’ll feel the stretch on the right shoulder. Hold. Change the arm positions and repeat stretch for the other shoulder.
Lie down on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Rest your hands on the knees. Slowly bring both knees gently towards the chest. The arms can wrap around the legs for a deeper stretch or be used to gently keep the knees pressed close to the chest.
Extend your right leg in front, toes pointing to the ceiling. Hinge forward at the hips keeping spine neutral. Keep pushing the hip back and out for a deeper stretch. Hold. Repeat stretch with other leg.
Hip Flexors
Lie on your back, legs outstretched. Bend one knee, grasping it with both hands from under it and gently pull it in, driving the thigh towards the chest. Hold; straighten leg out and repeat stretch on the other leg.
Flex it
Back, chest, hip, outer thigh
Lie on your back with knees bent, feet on the floor. Hands should be outstretched at shoulder level. Tighten abdominal muscles; lift both knees towards chest, lowering them to your right side. Turn your head to look left. Hold. Repeat with the other side turning head in opposite direction.
Vani B Pahwa is an ACE-certified Personal Trainer; a Cancer Exercise Specialist; a Master Rehab Trainer; a Functional Movement, Barefoot Training Specialist, BarefootRX Rehab Specialist, Foot & Gait Analyst; and a BOSU Personal Trainer. She is also a Bharatnatyam and Mohiniyattam dancer