If you are someone who has been having troubles going to the bathroom in the morning and you spend a lot of time trying to pass stools, then, you could be suffering from constipation.
As we know, people are affected by a number of diseases and conditions in their lifetimes, some more than the others.
Every ailment has different causes and sometimes a certain disease may not have a specific cause at all. However, it has been established by various research studies and analysis, that, our lifestyle habits could be the major cause of a number of common ailments.
Constipation is a condition which affects a number of people, regardless of age and gender and it is said to be a lifestyle disease. Our diet habits, exercise routine, stress levels, etc., play an important role when it comes to constipation.
In order to find relief from constipation, a number of people resort to taking laxatives, which are strong medications that soften the stools.
In the long run, taking laxatives could ruin the health of your intestines, as they contain strong chemicals. So, it is always better to seek natural remedies made from natural ingredients to treat constipation.
Did you know that oats can help treat constipation? Find out how, here!
What Is Constipation?
Firstly, in order to understand how constipation can be treated using natural ingredients, we must learn about the ailment.
Constipation is a condition in which, the stools harden inside the intestines and it becomes very difficult to pass them out of your body. So, the stools get accumulated in the intestines, causing a number of troublesome symptoms.
Some of the symptoms of constipation are, difficulty in passing stools, hardening of the stools, the constant passing of wind, gas, bloating, stomach pain, nausea, frequent urination, pain in the rectum, appetite fluctuations.
So, it is very important to make a conscious effort to treat constipation as early as possible, because, untreated constipation could later lead to piles, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and even intestinal cancer!
Causes Of Constipation
- Some of the most common causes of constipation are:
- Overeating, even if it is healthy food
- Consuming processed foods and junk foods often
- Consuming foods high in oil, sugar and gluten
- Not exercising on a regular basis
- Not consuming fibre-rich foods, vegetables, fruit and leafy greens
- Consuming excess red meat
- Consuming excess dairy products
- Consuming excess alcohol and smoking regularly
Is Oatmeal Helpful In Curbing Constipation?
Many of us would already know that oatmeal is a natural ingredient which is very healthy and comes with a number of health benefits. Oats are extremely rich in insoluble fibre and consuming fibre-rich foods is one of the best natural ways to curb constipation.
It has been estimated that every cup of oatmeal contains about 4 g of fibre, out of which 2 g is insoluble fibre, that can treat constipation. Oatmeal is also a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, thiamin, selenium, manganese, and iron.
The insoluble fibre present in oatmeal gets into your digestive system, mixes with the hardened stools and softens the stools.
This process allows the stools to pass out of the system easily, thus treating constipation.
Consuming a bowl of oatmeal every day, for breakfast, is recommended.
Other Health Benefits Of Oatmeal
1. Aids Weight Loss
2. Lowers Cholesterol
3. Treats Diabetes
4. Reduces Cancer Risk
5. Prevents Heart Disease
1. Aids Weight Loss
As oats are rich in antioxidant and fibre content, they have the ability to boost your metabolic rate and also allow the quicker breakdown of fat cells in the body, thus aiding weight loss. In addition, oatmeal is also very filling and can keep binge-eating at bay, thus preventing weight gain.
2. Lowers Cholesterol
As we read earlier, oats are rich in fibre content. Research studies have proven that the fibre content present in oats have the ability to lower the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), levels in the body, thereby keeping the cholesterol levels under control.
3. Treats Diabetes
Diabetes is a condition in which the blood sugar levels of the body becomes abnormally high, due to insulin hormone fluctuations. A compound known as beta-glucan present in oatmeal can regularise the insulin production of the body to keep the blood sugar levels under control, thus treating diabetes.
4. Reduces Cancer Risk
A research study by the American Cancer Society has said that the minerals and antioxidants present in oatmeal can help reduce cancer risk by a significant extent.
5. Prevents Heart Disease
As the fibre content in oatmeal has the ability to lower the cholesterol levels of the body, it prevents heart diseases, as high cholesterol levels are one of the major causes for heart ailments in people.