In an oil lamp we find yellow and red color components which represent divine consciousness and radiant energy respectively. In a ghee lamp, we find an additional component of blue color which is symbolic of spiritual emotion and helps attract more amount of spiritual vibrations from the atmosphere.
Ghee has the supreme place in fueling the lamps. The combination of ghee and fire are said to produce highly powerful spiritual energy. In fact, lighting lamp with ghee amounts to placing a powerful spiritual yantra at the site. People say lighting a ghee lamp is like wearing a talisman. Shastras note that ghee lamp can attract the aura of Kubera, the god of wealth and help in winning wealth, fame, power and luxury in one’s life.
Only clarified butter obtained from native variety of cows feeding on green grass is ideally suitable to get the desired results. As much as possible, light the lamp with the flame facing the east or north direction. Earthen lamps are the ideal choice, while silver and brass lamps rank second and third in the list.