How often do you go to Salons and get impressed by the names of exotic skin treatments done there claiming to give you a flawless skin like the ladies depicted in the glossies?
All of us want a clear and radiant looking skin. And to achieve that, we almost believe anything and everything that our beauticians advise us. But most of the treatments come with a hefty price tag, which obviously is a big turn off for most of us. We at Boldsky, understand your need to have a spotless and bright skin and we are here to help you in this endeavour. The treatment that has caught our eye lately is the Dead Sea mud mask.
Mud masks are quite common salon treatments. In fact, most of us happily buy packs of mud masks readily available in the beauty stores to pamper the skin at home. But the buzz around Dead Sea mud mask has been doing the rounds lately and we just cannot get over its amazing properties.
For all of you who have read about the Dead Sea Mid mask and wonder what it is, here is everything that you need to know about the wonder beauty ingredient.
What is Dead Sea Mud Mask?
The mud derived from the Dead Sea in the Middle East, which is located between Israel and Jordan, is extremely famous for its amazing benefits on skin and health. What is so healthy about mud from an exotic locale you ask? Well, all the geography enthusiasts would know that the Dead Sea is no ordinary sea. It is located at the lowest sea level known to man, which makes it quite rich in minerals not found in any other mud.
The high content of magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium have extensively been known to contain magical healing powers. These minerals and various other salts also work as an elixir for skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. Read on to know more about its amazing benefits.
Benefits Of Dead Sea Mud
The mineral content of Dead Sea mud helps exfoliate the skin and restore its natural pH balance. Regular application of it is known to improve the overall texture of the skin and keep it away from the signs of ageing. It gently purifies the skin of all the toxins, hidden deep inside the skin pores to reveal and healthy and glowing skin. It also works wonder on acne, as it dries out the pimples, kills the harmful bacteria causing it and helps keep the oil production under control in order to keep away from future breakouts.
Impressed with its numerous benefits? You may want to grab a pack of the ingredient now.
Not sure how to use it? Well, we can help you with that too. Here is how you can use this amazing ingredient to get that flawless skin you have always wanted.
How To Prepare Dead Sea Mud Mask?
It is important to source the Dead Sea mud from the right place in order to derive maximum benefits out of it. There are many places online where you can get the authentic products. Once you get your hands on a good brand of Dead Sea mud, the sailing is smooth for you just follow the instructions below and you will see noticeable changes in your skin, in just a few days.
Here is an easy Dead Sea mud pack which you can do at home, without spending a bomb.
– 2 tablespoons of Dead Sea mud
– 2-3 drops of tea tree oil (or any other essential oil which suits your skin type)
– A clean plastic bowl
– An applicator brush
– Steam machine
How to prepare the pack:
1) Pure Dead Sea mud is a little damp, with some salty water on top for preserving and packaging purposes. Mix it together in the jar itself. If the mud pack comes in a tube form, remember to use a plastic bowl only as it reacts with metals.
2) Dead Sea mud is best used without adding additional water. But you can always add a few drops to your favourite essential oil in order to make it more effective.
3) Your Dead sea mud pack is now ready to use.
How to apply:
Step 1 – Clean up
Wash your face with a mild cleanser in order to get rid of any dirt or make-up residue. You need to be sure that your skin is super clean.
Step 2 – Steam
Steam your face for a complete of two minutes before applying the pack. This is a very important step for this beauty regime. Steaming your face will ensure that the mud pack reaches the skin pores and sucks out the dirt and grime. In case of absence of a stream machine, boil some water in a vessel. Remove it from the stove and cover your head with a towel to take in the steam.
Step 3 – Application of the pack
Start applying the pack while steaming your face. Continue to steam for some time even after application. Remember to exclude the under eye area as it may be too drying for such delicate skin.
Step 4 – Let dry
Leave the pack on until it completely dries and there are no wet patches. The pack may tingle a bit but just will just let you know that it is working its magic.
Step 5- Wash up
Wash off the pack will ice cold water to close and seal the pores.
Step 6 – Moisturize
It is always important to moisturize after applying a drying pack as it will help restore the skin’s natural moisture.
Repeat this routine at least twice a week in order to see results.
Different Face Masks Using Dead Sea For Different Skin Problems
1) Dead Sea mud + Coffee pack for an instant glow
A teaspoon of freshly ground coffee can be added to the Dead sea mud before applying. This will result in instantly bright and glowing skin, which will certainly be an envy among your friend circle.
2) Dead Sea mud + Aloe Vera pack for nourished skin
This combination is made in heaven for dry skin. In case your extremely dry skin is stopping you from using Dead Sea mud, worry not. Incorporating a dollop of freshly extracted aloe gel before applying the mask will provide the extra nourishment your dry skin requires.
3) Dead Sea mud + Lemon extract pack to banish dark spots
Though Dead sea mud is effective on its own, adding a teaspoon of lemon extract such as lemon peel powder or ½ a teaspoon of lemon juice will help banish those nasty dark spots and patches on the face.