Priyanka Chopra has been gaining limelight from her bridal shower pictures which broke the internet. For the bridal shower, Desi girl PeeCee was seen donning a white Marchesa dress and the same has created a row as the brand is co-owned by Georgina Chapman, who recently took divorce with Harvey Weinstein. After the sexual harassment accusations against Harvey appeared, many people distanced themselves from the brand. It was once a red carpet favorite amongst celebs. For those who don’t know he was accused of sexual harassment not by one but 60 women last year. A-listers such as Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow also accused him.
After the storm, Scarlett Johansson was the first celeb to dress in one of Marchesa outfit at the Met Gala this year. Now, Priyanka decide to the same brand for her bridal shower. She came out in support of her by deliberately donning the outfit by Marchesa.
She discussed the same in an interview with Women’s Wear Dail. PeeCee was asked in the show why she chose the brand to which she said how it’s not her (Georgina’s) fault’ and how donning the dress was ‘the right choice’.
Georgina’s is a friend of her and it’s not her fault, She added .
She continued, “And I don’t think it’s right to take it out on a self-made woman what somebody in her life did. That’s the wrong outlook. I’ve known her for years, and that was a gorgeous gown and deserved to be dressed by a bride-to-be. And it made me feel like a princess. It was the right choice,” Quantico actress told women’s wear daily.