5 minute trick to help you sleep faster

5 minute trick to help you sleep faster

Sometimes you feel absolutely shattered and head off to bead but lie awake for hours unable to sleep. While ideally, we should not look at our phones, tablets, television or tablets, during this period due to the blue light they emanate, but realistically, it is not...

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Patty Jenkins casts Kristen Wigg for `Wonder Woman 2`

Patty Jenkins casts Kristen Wigg for `Wonder Woman 2`

Actress-comedian Kristen Wiig has landed a role in Patty Jenkins' "Wonder Woman 2" and will be playing the villain in it. "So excited to confirm the most thrilling news. Yes! It's true! So incredibly lucky to welcome the sensationally talented Kristen Wiig to our...

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నింగిలో నిప్పుకణిక!

నింగిలో నిప్పుకణిక!

పైకి ఎగిరేటప్పుడు, దిగేటప్పుడే ఆ యుద్ధ విమానం వేగం గంటకు 340 కిలోమీటర్లు. అంతకంతకీ వేగం పెంచుకుంటూ, రాకెట్‌లా ఆకాశంలోకి దూసుకెళ్లి, గిరికీలు కొట్టే ‘మిగ్‌ - 21 బైసన్‌’ ఫైటర్‌ జెట్‌ నడపటం అంటే ఆషామాషీ కాదు. అలాంటిది ఆ విమానాన్ని 30 నిమిషాలపాటు...ఒంటరిగా నడిపి చరిత్ర...

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How does adultery affect a person’s spiritual growth?

One thing that needs to be understood is that if there is no love in your heart, you are anyway an adulterer. Without love in your heart, for convenience or comfort if you have given yourself to any aspect of life – not necessarily a man or a woman – you are an adulterer.

In that sense I am against adultery. But from the perspective of what is considered socially as adultery, it is individual choice. For every action that you perform there is a consequence. Most people are not willing to face the consequences when they come. They want to have situations that they enjoy without facing consequences. Anybody who is not willing to joyfully accept the consequences that come to them for whatever actions they perform is a fool. A fool goes against himself in so many ways.

If you are turning against yourself because you have given in to an aspect of your body or emotion or anything, it is definitely not okay, because you will bring suffering to yourself. It doesn’t make sense to bring suffering to yourself – whatever the reason.

In your life, you must do what makes utmost sense to you. It is not about right or wrong. That is not the point. Are you living your life sensibly? Or are you a slave of something? That is the question. A senseless life is sin, isn’t it? If you live sensibly in a way that the creator will be proud of you, it is fine. If you have just given in to the ways of your body, emotion or mind, and are going against yourself, it is not sensible.

Is such senselessness wrong? I am not saying it is wrong, it is just very limited and stupid. Anything that is limited and stupid is not worthwhile. So I would say adultery is not worthwhile. It is stupid and senseless to give into something which seems to be everything today but tomorrow will make you feel like a fool.

That is a senseless way to live. You must live in such a way, with so much sense that god should be envious of you. If you show such sense, there is no right and wrong with your life. If you do not have such sense, everything is wrong with your life.

Research suggests there are over 300 species yet to be discovered by science

The world is filled with a large number of species which never fail to surprise and are an appropriate manifestation of nature’s beauty. But while we may feel we have seen everything the planet has to offer, how much of it do we actually know?

It turns out that there are hundreds of mammals which science hasn’t even discovered yet. A new predictive model created by ecologists shows that 303 species of mammals are still unknown to science.

But experts say that going by the high extinction rates, many species may disappear even before they are discovered. Meanwhile the revelations made by this research can help with conservation efforts.

Ideal location for pooja room in our house

The location of the Pooja room should always be in the North-East corner. It can also be in the North or East side of the house. Never locate the Pooja room in the south and the south-east, as these directions are ruled by Yama and Agni, respectively. Pooja room should not be placed in the bedroom. Pooja room should not be made above, below, adjacent or opposite to toilet.

Pooja room should also not be constructed next to the kitchen or located under a staircase. In case you do make the Pooja space in the kitchen, keep the deity in such a way that you face east while praying. Make the roof of the Pooja room dome or pyramid shaped. This facilitates smooth flow of positive energies from the tip to the dome or pyramid into the pooja room.