It is said that 15 days of Bhadrapad Purnima to Ashwin Amavasya in Hindu religion are considered to be right only for doing Shraaddh (memorial) Karma and this time it is known as Pitra Paksh. Let everyone know that this time Shraaddh seems to be start from 24th of September, which will run till the 8th of October. For the Shraaddh paksh it is believed that in these days a member of the family whose death has been sacrificed should be presented with excellence and the paternal gods are pleased and give their blessings to their family members. There are many people in the world who have heard about Shraaddh , but many people do not even know what is exactly Shraaddh , then let’s say that today, what is the meaning of Shraddha.

Let us tell you that on this day, you have to remember your ancestors to please their them with reverence and according to the scriptures, if a member of the house has left his body and went away, then one needs to resolve the reverence for the happiness for his soul and it is called as Shraaddh .

In addition, it has been said in the scriptures that Yamraj liberates the organism in the Shraaddh paksh, so that he should come to his own people and take the form of penance and body. It is believed that after the death of a family member, he or she called as ancestor (pitra) whether the married or unmarried member of the family, the child or the elderly, the man or the person who has died everyone’s Shraddh karma is done in Pitra Paksh.