Honor has announced its exclusive tie-up with Amazon.in to sell its upcoming smartphone, the HONOR View20. The smartphone is poised to be one of the most advanced handsets in the market as it boasts of world-first technologies – 48MP camera, All-View Display (World’s first in-screen front camera design), Kirin 980 AI chipset with Dual NPU manufactured by the 7nm process, and many more. Starting today, customers can register their interest for View20 on Amazon.in and get notified once pre-booking starts for the device.
Honor’s world first 48MP rear camera with Sony IMX586 sensor and TOF 3D camera is set to herald a new era of smartphone photography. The technology, coupled with the AI computing power which is capable of recognising over 60 categories and 1500 scenarios in real time and graphic processing power enabled by the dual-ISP and dual-NPU of Kirin 980 AI chipset, can provide users with unmatched photo quality and clarity. Honor View 20 is also capable of capturing slow-motion videos at 960 fps.
The brand has also enabled a whole new level of full-view display experience with the introduction of the All-View Display. This world-first, in-screen front camera design, achieved by a complex 18-layer technology stack that embeds the front camera in the display area of the screen; achieving a screen to body ratio of 91.8%. The innovative Honor All-View Display solution demonstrates the brand’s unmoving dedication to usher the evolution of the full-view display, all the way from the 18:9 bezel-less screen of the 1.0 era through the notched screen of the 2.0 era, to the revolutionary 3.0 era.