Porch swings are the perfect way to spend those lazy afternoons reading your favourite book or chatting with family and friends. Unknown to many, choosing the right porch swing makes all the difference between having a swing and having a super comfy swing. Follow the tips below to buy the latter.

Start correctly

Consider the design & colour of your house before researching on porch swings. The best choice would match with the house design, so make sure to get the right design and colours.

Reflects your personality

It goes without saying that each accessory in your house, their style & placement reflect your personality & taste. You can always choose between a simple, straight- lined swing or the luxurious ones in the market with curved seats, swings with inserts for cups and glasses.

The swing material

Your choice of swing material talks a lot about how environmentally responsible you are. So try your best to go for sustainable methods or exotic woods. Reduce the amount of plastic in your swing, and if you are planning to paint your swing, make sure the paint itself is non-toxic. If you hate trees being cut down opt for plywood; it would also help reduce the amount of plastic waste in the landfills.

The pricing factor

Since it all boils down to price, decide on how much you are ready to invest. If you don’t mind the pricing and prefer a lifetime investment, cedar swing would be the ideal choice. If pricing is at the top of your list, then go for pine swings.

If your front porch isn’t big enough for a comfy swing, you can always consider the backyard, or maybe under a nice tree. Opt for a swing stand with an arbour or a pergola if it is a free-standing swing. And remember, a swing is where you make memories with your dear and loved ones for years to come.